

the whatfors

With 20+ years industry experience, co-founders literary agent Beth Marshea and award winning writer tammy lynne stoner are redefining the landscape of Writers’ Conferences by cross-pollinating writers of print, screen, and theater with an unyielding commitment to being the most enjoyable, diverse, and engaging gathering out there.

By fostering a creative and collaborative environment, attendees will have the opportunity to explore new perspectives, exchange ideas, and tap into the synergy between all types of storytellers: poets, memoirists, screenwriters, novelists, playwrights, short story writers, and creative producers.

In addition to the diverse programming with established industry professionals who represent a wide ranging community including queer, BIPOC, women, and many more, TGC retreats will feature events and collaborating opportunities for all, whether you’re just getting started or an established professional. READ MORE.

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origin story


from journal to conference

Gertrude is a non-profit organization founded in 1998 by writer Eric Delehoy as a print journal. In 2018 we became an on-line journal to extend our global reach. Now, we are a Writers' Conference for all kinds of storytellers, always grounded and faithful to our mission to hold space for LGTBQA voices!

Click below to access past Gertrude Journal issues, podcasts, the LINEAGE series, book reviews, and more. . .

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 boy with laptop

Our Board

tammy lynne stoner, co-founder + lover of cheese bunnies
Beth Marshea, co-founder
Stephanie Glazier, secretary extraordinaire


Conference FAQs

Where / when will TGC retreat take place?
Do I need to apply?
When and how can I submit my work?
What is the overall program?
Do winners of the Writing Competitions receive a discounted rate?
Are scholarships available?

--> TGC sponsors

If you have a problem with the third act, the real problem is in the first act.
- Billy Wilder